Ultrasound SIG membership application form

Name: GP ultrasound Special Interest Group – EYFDM


  • To develop young family doctors knowledge and skills in clinical ultrasound


  • To create a network of early career GP/FM doctors with an interest in clinical ultrasound.
  • To identify and describe how clinical ultrasound is used in family medicine in Europe
  • To identify and meet young family medicine doctors training needs in clinical ultrasound through teaching
  • To further develop knowledge and teaching of clinical ultrasound in family medicine through research (with a particular focus on young family doctors)

Plans :

  • The first thing we will do this year is to find out the situation in Europe. Thuswe are conducting  a cross-sectional study through an online shared survey which we will present at the WONCA Europe conference in Brussels (2023).
  • Also as a result of the consensus article(1), we will try to define what training is necessary for a family medicine doctor in order to be able to use this technique and in which scenarios it should be used.
  • In the distant future, we would like to be able to offer workshops at congresses, forums and preconferences. We would also like to offer more advanced ultrasound courses for those who are already familiar with the technique and even to be able to do rotations (Hippocrates, FM360…) with family doctors who use this technique in their daily practice.
  • We could also initiate research projects on the subject, so as to publish papers and even develop doctoral programmes.

Name of lead/s

  • Dragos Paul Hagiu
  • Rocio Bello Hirschfeld
  • Rabee Kazan
  • Eva Leceaga-Gaztambide
  • Aaron Poppleton

Ethical declaration

All members of the Group undertake to:

1. Respect the opinions of the other members of the Group.

2. Not to disseminate the content of the discussions within the group, nor any individual’s views on documents produced or being prepared by the group.

3. Not to speak on behalf of the group, nor to present themselves as a member if they are not authorized to do so.

4. Members undertake to declare any conflicts of interest to which they may be subject in relation to a particular subject or to their own membership of the Group.

5. Members may bring new commitments and improve on them in a group session. 

 Internal Rules

1. The Group’s Rules of Procedure are a dynamic document. Any member of the group can request changes or the introduction of new articles or the deletion of some of them. To do so, they must inform the group coordinator and present it at a meeting.

2. Annual Report of the Working Group: this is a compulsory summary document presented by the working group once a year. It must contain at least the following sections:

  • Current number of members (name and surname, profession, contact telephone number and e-mail address).
  • Training activities carried out.
  • Documents published.
  • Communications to conferences and congresses.
  • Research projects.
  • Any other activity considered to be of interest.

Sanctioning regime

1. Any member or group shall be warned of inappropriate conduct, in writing, and always before any action is taken by the Group Leads.

2. With regard to sanctions, members or groups, represented by their coordinator or another member designated as such, have the right to defence or justification within the Group Leads.

3. In case of sanctions, any financial funds that a group may have will not, under any circumstances, be paid to the members of the group. This fund shall be reserved for training or social projects and shall be published by the Group Leads.

4. Each member of the Group must participate in one of the activities in the annual report. Those who do not participate will be warned and may be expelled from the group.

Please write below a brief explanation of interests regarding group membership
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